Monthly Archives: April 2017


A playful menu of games

On his quest to recruit talented game artists, our mascot Siggi traveled the entire world. But it was in Berlin of all places, our illustrious capital city and an international melting pot of cultures, where he came across the American game designer, manga artist, and translator Zack Wood. With his wonderful project ‚Feasts Of Play‘, […]


Siggi and the secret duo

Our mascot Siggi has a little surprise in store for you and announces the next artists of our festival: The duo of A Secret Club based in Aarhus, Denmark, is going to reveal the inner beauty of the visitors and will transfer it onto their skin – simply without pain – by stamps. A secret […]


Siggi on a mission

Our mascot Siggi is very pleased to present you the first artist duo which will attend the playin’siegen Festival 2017: The game developers of the “Urban Games Factory” Matteo Uguzzoni and Augusto Priovano. Incognito is a mission-based family game. Missions and tasks are divided between urban exploration and interaction, and every team has 15 minutes […]


Urban Games

People ‘run’ through cities day by day, surrounded by faceless buildings and the streets full of cars. It seems like everything is made out of anonymous objects and that the city belongs just to the shops and big companies. Cities are very often a serious and colorless place, especially big cities and metropolises. Maybe that’s […]


Siggi came, saw and selected artists

Our mascot Siggi proudly announces the first artist of the playin’siegen festival 2017: Wiro Kupiers LEGO® Serious Play® – a method developed by LEGO® itself – helps individuals and groups to find clarity and to unleash creativity by thinking with their hands. Wiro Kuipers, certified facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play® introduces you to his method […]


Into the Videogame

Who doesn’t know them? Barely spread in the 70´s but featured by colourful gambling halls in the 80`s: a society without video games is hard to imagine. Let alone the sales of the entertainment industry which is much higher than what Hollywood is generating. At the very beginning, video games were notorious for being ´a […]


Prepare yourself!

The team of playin’siegen offers you lectures by well-known scientists. The first week of April is over now. In less than a month we will experience a variety of entertaining games together. But playin’siegen is not limited to its large number of games. The festival also provides the opportunity to be educated by recognised scientists. […]