
playin’ siegen meets science

Programm zur Konferenz “digital spaces. game, design, art” (pdf)

Urban gaming is not just play, art and movement – the section Science examines urban games from an academic perspective.

Apart from the areas Exhibition, Performance and Gaming, which have a practical, playful and artistic character, the festival will also focus on a more theoretical and academic aspect (Science). The phenomenon of urban gaming will be questioned in terms of the different types public spaces can be used as.
During “playin’ siegen” various research projects regarding the intersections between digital/mobile media, art, play and public spaces will be represented. With the help of artists, game designers and students various topics concerning Urban Gaming will be talked about in panel discussions. Furthermore the festival will provide short scientific slide shows.

For the duration of the festival master’s students of media studies will accompany the events. Under usage of scientific methods they will observe how people acquire the games and how they interact with digital works of art.